Rosh Lowe has starred in numerous Broadway shows, starting from the age of nine. His decades long experience in the theatre has taught him secrets of connecting with an audience and performance skills that not many other “experts” have access to. Rosh has been a television news reporter for Fox in Miami for the past fifteen years. His job involves speaking to an audience of tens of thousands every day. The most valued skills in his professions-writing, speaking and performing-are skills that he will pass on to you.
Think of every speaking opportunity as a chance to perform. Rosh will help you find the most effective structure and will teach you performance techniques to help you captivate a crowd and fully connect with any audience. The Lowe Technique’s unique method helps even the most nervous speakers overcome their fear.
With Rosh’s guidance, you will be able to throw out those notes and step up to any stage with confidence. You will be speaking with freedom.
“This isn’t a theory. This is a practical, hands-on formula proven technique with guaranteed results”